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Instead of reducing your expenses, try to increase your income. That's why you work hard.


To live is to open roads in mountains and build bridges in waters. Life, you give me pressure, I also you miracle!


On the road of life, never retreat from the whole body, enjoy its achievements and get something for nothing. If you don't work hard, you're out.


Don't be afraid to shoot a single horse. What about being alone and brave? You can cry all the way, but you can't be angry. You have to go through the days when nobody cares about it to welcome applause and flowers.


Be as eager to succeed as a drowning person is to breathe, and don't slacken off for a second, or what do you think you're going to win?


All good things come to an end. Choose a gesture to make your life irreplaceable. There is no so-called luck, only absolute effort.


Choose a distance for your dream, there is no way back. So, either die in the battle or return home in awkwardness.


Exercise when you are in bad shape, and try to earn when you have no money. Don't turn your embarrassment on others. The only thing you can complain about is yourself who doesn't work hard enough.


Don't worry about the vague future, just strive for the clear present.


Dream perseverance is doomed to loneliness and hesitation, because there is no lack of other people's doubts and ridicule, but then what, even if all over the bruises, also want to live beautifully!


Rather than pretending to influence others, it's better to grind your teeth and repair yourself.


If it's really bitter, you don't have time to shout tired. If it's really tragic, there's no time for you to feel ashamed. Because it's not enough, you have time to complain.


No one will pay for your future. You either try to climb up or rot in the mud at the bottom of society. That's life.


Don't try your best, but try your best. Even if you don't have excellent appearance and ability, you should have overwhelming domineering power and use your own light to illuminate your way.


In this society, winners eat everything, losers have nothing, and society is always a hero only by success or failure.


All the anger basically comes from lack of money. All motivation, basically the goal is to make money; all happiness, basically the state is rich!


If you don't try your best, you are not qualified to criticize others for not being careful. It's easy to complain, but people who shut up and work hard deserve more respect.


The so-called persistence means hesitating, shrinking, wanting to give up 9九、times, but at last you go on. The so-called persistence is sometimes just another name of hard support.


It's not that there's no water in the well, it's that you don't dig deep enough; it's not that success comes slowly, it's that you don't work hard enough.


Cars have oil, cell phones have electricity, Cary has money! That's the sense of security! Expecting others is bullshit! No matter how hard the co-driver is, it's better to grip the steering wheel by himself.


No matter how good others are, they are others. I can't bear it anymore, but I am also my unique self. As long as you work hard to be the best of yourself, life is enough. Be responsible for your life and pay for your dreams.


一、 做人,装一半傻,扮一半哑,有些事内心明白,不用说出来,有的人看穿就好,不用去揭穿。话说得太清楚,不一定是好事,稀里糊涂,也许就能少一点儿矛盾。

二、 如果我们毫不怀疑地去相信一个人,那结果只有两种,要不就获得一生的知己,要不就获得一生的教训。

三、 你懂我的淡香幽柔,清扬婉兮;我知你的默默地守护,风雨与共。不去问身在何方,也不用管归途何处,只想把这一生的思念全给你,此生唯愿,愿做你心头不忘的卿卿…亲爱的,你在便是乐土福地……

四、 人能够穷一点儿,但不可以志短;人能够富一点儿,但不可以臭显。人能够傻一点儿,但不可以窝囊;人能够精一点儿,但不可以阴险。人能够懒一点儿,但不可以没承担;人能够善一点儿,但不可以没底线。

五、 有时候,你放弃了某个人,不是由于你不再在意。只是由于你意识到他们不在意了。人嘛,不必活得太累,不必忙的太疲倦;想吃了不要太嫌贵,想穿了不要说浪费;心烦了找个朋友聚聚会,瞌睡了倒下头就去睡。心态平和始终最美,天天快乐才对…

六、 每一种经历全是一次自我修炼的机会,当体会了全部的甜酸苦辣以后,心最后会变得强大。无论坦途,还是坎坷,无论鲜花,还是荆棘,拥有一份淡然的心境和一份坚定的信念,才会生活得踏实和愉悦。