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Efforts are not meant to impress or show to anyone, but to enable oneself to jump out of the circle of disgust at any time, to have the right to choose and to live a life in the way one likes!


You recharge hard, you work hard, you keep fit, you smile at people, these are not to please others, but to dress up, illuminate your heart, tell yourself: I am an independent upward force.


Don't be affected when you make money, don't bother when you spend money, life really won't be gentle to you because you cry, but you can live through hard work.


You can afford what you like and go where you want to go. You won't lose the quality of life because of the people around you. Instead, you will have more confidence because you spend your money. That's why you should work hard.


You might as well take a bold risk in life, because you're going to lose it somehow. If there's a miracle in the world, it's just another name for hard work.


No one knows what you want unless you open your mouth; no one knows what you want; no one knows what you want unless you do it; no one knows where you want to go without taking steps. In fact, you are very strong, but laziness helps you.


On the road of life, never retreat from the whole body, enjoy its achievements and get something for nothing. If you don't work hard, you're out.


Adults must understand that no amount of chicken soup is as safe as a bill. Less affectation and more effort. You have to earn the kind of life you want to live.


Don't frown when you find the way you want to go. You know, how hard it is to walk is your choice. You don't have the right to cry out for pain.


While young, the balance can be insufficient to earn, insufficient electricity can be charged, time is no longer in a hurry to come back, while young to pay more, do not compare, do not complain, do not care, pay more, because there is an effort to rely on yourself!


Dream is a journey destined to be lonely. Questions and ridicules are indispensable on the way. Even if you are bruised all over, you should live beautifully.


Life gives a person a lot of hardships, how much luck she will be given in the future, there are many people who are bumping for their dreams, not less than you, but if you can stick to the end, you are the only one.


In life, we must live beautifully and walk vigorously. If you don't struggle, you'll end up decorating. Whoever you are, you would rather be a loser in your struggle than an ordinary person who is content with the status quo.


Every excellent person has a period of silence. That period of time, is to pay a lot of efforts to endure loneliness and loneliness, do not complain and do not complain, later when talking about, even their own can be touched by the day.


Cars have oil, cell phones have electricity, Cary has money! That's the sense of security! Expecting others is bullshit! No cow's co-driver is better than holding the steering wheel by himself.


Maybe you need to get up at seven in the morning, go to bed at twelve in the evening, and walk alone day after day. But as long as you live with determination and passion, even if you are not born at the right time, the worst outcome of your life is just a late blossom.


You see, if you don't work hard, you can't afford it except when you're getting older, your hair is getting smaller and your face is getting older. The people you like have nothing to do with you.


Without struggle, how can your talent match your willfulness? Without struggle, how can you catch up with your parents'aging speed? Without struggle, the world is so big, what do you depend on to see?


Efforts to make money are not meant to be a profitable upstart, nor to be a mercenary miser. Our ultimate goal in life is to live as we like, and money is our necessary guarantee.


You should make your abilities worthy of your vanity, your excellence worthy of your self-esteem, and your vision worthy of your pride.


Be patient and strong. Someday, the pain you've endured will help you. Life will never be deliberately indebted to anyone. It gives you a shadow, and it will surely cast sunshine in the near future.


Instead of expecting to meet someone, you should expect to attract someone like that; instead of expecting positive energy to warm you up every time you lose, you should expect yourself to become a positive energy person; instead of worrying about the future, you should work hard now.


一、 别人再好,也是别人。自己再不堪,也是自己,独一无二的自己。只要努力去做最好的自己,一生足矣。不必总是估量自己在别人心里的地位,走自己的路,做最好的自己。

二、 生活它打击你,是为了让你认清自己,而不是认命!

三、 人活一天,便是有福气,就该珍惜,人生短短几十年,不必给自己留下太多缺憾,日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。

四、 当很累很累的时候,你应该告诉自己你可以坚持得住,不必随便地否认自己。一时的输赢并不代表什么,重要的是把后面的路走好。当你强大,才会碰到比你更强大的;当你变好,你才配得起更好的。因此,不必随便放弃一段坚持,即便没人为你鼓掌,也要优雅的谢幕。人活着不是靠眼泪博得同情,而是靠汗水赢得掌声!

五、 人生这本书,你愿意也好,不愿意也好,都要非写非读不可,而且是非要写好,读好不可的。人生就像骑自行车,想保持平衡就得向前走。人生总是在苦恼中周而复始,挣扎不出;无法得到的想得到,得到了又怕失去,总感觉别人得到的比自己得到的多。我们每个人都在挣扎中撰写自己的人生。

六、 成功没有捷径,把时间和精力,放在该做的事情上,而非埋怨,而非妄想,只有努力才会碰到更好的自己。