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when she understood these principles, she did not realize that liking a person is so capricious and difficult to maintain. She is jealous, unable to extricate herself, sour and difficult. Reason can't save her. Don't blame others for leaving. No one is so strong. It's not easy for anyone to live. It's rare to accompany you for a while. Don't put all the responsibilities on others.


Have you ever regretted doing that before? No! I haven't said what it is yet! A multi-minded person is doomed to live a hard life, because it is too easy to be influenced by other people's emotions. Sometimes, it's better to have fewer tendons than to be multi-minded. If you know where to go, the whole world will make way for you. Good morning!

三、 所谓门槛,过去了便是门,过不去就成了槛。骑白马的不一定是白马王子,也未必是唐僧,还有可能是唐吉歌德。

the so-called threshold, the past is the door, can not cross the threshold. It's not necessarily the Prince Charming or the Tang monk riding a white horse, it's probably Tang Jigoethe.


Every rose has thorns, just like every person's character, there are parts you can't tolerate. To love every rose is not to work hard to eradicate its thorns, but to learn how not to be stabbed by her thorns, and how not to let your thorns stab others. To understand a person, one only needs to see whether his starting point is the same as his destination to know whether he is sincere or not.


read well during the day. You don't know what is in the book. Sleep well at night. You have what you want in your dreams. The most sad thing is not never met, but met, got, and lost in a hurry, and then left a scar in the bottom of my heart, it let you when pain, when pain, you even have no right to resist.


people in this life: if you want to live happily, you must learn to be simple; if you want to live happily, you must learn to be contented; if you want to live smartly, you must learn to be confused! Most of the time in a hurry to catch up with, in fact, only a turn to look back.


life is short and hard. Faced with difficulties, setbacks, challenges, as long as you believe in yourself, and continue to work hard to pay, even if you are now living from scratch, you can do it. Those wrong turns, those wrong paths, those tears, those sweat, those scars will make you unique.


the loneliness of late-night visits is the most terrible, and desperate driving will not help. The most tormented feeling is not separation, but the moving memories make it easy to stand in place and think that you can go back. Love but not love, memories are heavy.


Move others with personality, influence others with change, burn others with state, drive others with action, shine others with sunshine, win others with perseverance, and ask yourself to do things related to goals every day. Even if you make a little progress every day, you are the best! Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Thanksgiving for everything! Be a man with love and do things with heart!

十、 有些伤口,无论过多久,依然一碰就痛;有些人,不管过多久,也还是一想起就疼。有些人有些事根本就忘不了。是你的总会到来,也许时机不成熟或许老天想要捉弄你。所以现在就别奢望,别羡慕,别追求。

Some wounds, no matter how long they last, still hurt when touched; some people, no matter how long they last, still hurt when they think of them. Some people can't forget something at all. It's always you, maybe the time is not ripe, maybe God wants to play tricks on you. So now don't expect, don't envy, don't pursue.


Cocoa sent out a bitter smile and said that he gave me a compliment, but not to me. In fact, I saw that sentence in another girlfriend circle. Later, I found out that he gave the girl a compliment, ignored me directly, and felt that he was really silly. If he liked me, he would have come to me long ago.

十二、 信任就如同一个一岁小孩的感觉,当你将他扔向天空的时候,他会笑,因为他知道你会接住他,这就是信任。一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱,浪花从不留恋软沙上的脚印,只为自由奋勇向前,要改变,努力就从此刻开始!

Trust is like the feeling of a one-year-old child. When you throw him into the sky, he will laugh because he knows you will catch him. That is trust. A person's dream may not be worth money, but a person's efforts are very valuable, the spray never misses the footprints on the soft sand, only to move forward bravely for freedom, to change, efforts from now on!


Some people say that when you want to cry, raise your head proudly, look at the sky, think about the future, so that the tears will not fall.


Way of friendship: a little light friendship is true, a little light love is drunk, a strong greeting is mellow, a little light missing is deep, a little loneliness is beautiful, a little light blessing is the most true. A little more peaceful and less temperamental will make life easier.

十五、 很多时候,我们更需要做的就是闭上自己愿意争辩的嘴,放下所谓高贵的自尊,承认自己曾经所犯的错误,下定决心努力去修正它。这并不代表放弃,而是收获了一份成长。

In many cases, what we need to do is to close our mouth, put down our so-called noble self-esteem, admit the mistakes we have made, and make up our minds to try to correct them. This does not mean giving up, but gaining growth.

十六、 得不到的爱人终归是风,强留千百次也终究会走。 我不知道遇见你是对是错,但我知道遇见你我开心过。即使不见面不说话不发信息,心里总会留一个位置安安稳稳的放着一个人。

The lover who can't get is the wind, and will leave after thousands of times. I don't know if it's right or wrong to meet you, but I know I've been happy to meet you. Even if you don't meet, talk or send messages, there will always be a place in your heart where you can keep a person.


Don't give up if you don't want to, just get up and change if you can't see the past. Either you prove your ability or you shut up and accept the reality. All the good roads are downhill. Failure is acceptable, but failure without attempt is zero without excuse.






