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一、 世间所有不尽人意之事全靠硬扛,接受成长,也接受所有的不欢而散。无论多高的山,多长的路,都敌不过你一步一个脚印的坚持。只要试着摆正心态,踏实下来,试着把困难分成一个个小小的部分,然后挨个去击破,时间到了,就总会到达的。

all the unsatisfactory things in the world depend on hard shouldering, accepting growth, and accepting all unhappiness to disperse. No matter how high the mountains are or how long the road is, you can't match your perseverance step by step. As long as we try to put our minds right, get down to earth, try to divide the difficulties into small parts, and then break them one by one, the time will come.


the reluctant things are particularly boring. Love is, friendship is. Everything is. I hate reluctance. Want the willingness to be fearless. Where will someone like loneliness, but do not like disappointment, I hope you meet a mature lover, never grow up.


There is no such thing as "not doing" in the world. When you lose all your dependence, everything will happen naturally. Love should not only be in harmony with each other, but also with each other. Looking up at the beginning of love is often abandoned and ended. We are human beings, not gods. If we live in this world, we will make mistakes and have things we can't reach. We need to learn to forgive ourselves so that we can be relieved and live without fatigue.


every detail of life will contain happiness, just whether you feel it or not. Happy people, everything, everyone, he can find the factors that make him happy, and let happiness expand, inspire and influence the people around him. Man-made is a positive attitude toward life, letting nature take its course is a way of life with a view to reaching the goal. Successful completion is a kind of superb wisdom of entering the WTO, and indifference and tranquility is a kind of detached attitude toward life.

五、在我们之间,我终于学会了话少和不再打扰。若深情总是被辜负,余生尽是孤独又何妨。between us, I finally learned to talk less and stop interrupting. If love is always disappointed, what's wrong with being lonely for the rest of your life?


the great wisdom of life, but six words: affordable, put down. The former decides how easy you can live, and the latter decides how far you can go. I always want a girl who can impress me, a girl who can make me feel the challenge constantly, and a girl who let me know how good a person I have to be in order to be with her. If one day we are lost in the crowd, mediocre life, it is because we did not strive to live a rich life. Good morning!


those who can control their anger have defeated the greatest enemy. We were excellent. However, it is our lack of self-confidence, step by step, we pull down from the high position of excellence, has been pulled to the mediocre position. Self-willingness to mediocrity is not only a disaster of life, but also a tragedy of life. But, more often than not, it is ourselves who directed this disaster and tragedy.


we all want to hold hands and get married, but we live in an age of bed and fruitless. For a man, the most powerless thing is to meet the girl who most wants to take care of her life at the age of the least material ability. For a woman, the most regrettable thing is to meet someone who can not afford to wait at the best age.


bowing is a kind of ability, it is not inferiority, nor cowardice, it is the evolution of awakening. Sometimes, a little bow, or our life will be more exciting. People have the best heart, the most sincere feelings and the strongest aspirations. A man's pride is unforgettable, and his disappointment is not lost.

十、最好的我们 最坏的我们回忆是时光里 带着温暖的余悸最好忘了吧 最坏不过是关上这世界的门伸出了双手 拥抱当时的我们最好忘了吧 最坏不过是关上这世界的门伸出了双手 却不再会有我们

The best of our worst memories is the warm lingering palpitations of time. The best is to forget. The worst is to close the door of the world, extend our hands and embrace them. The worst is to forget. The worst is to open the door of the world, extend our hands and no longer have us.


Sometimes, we are not waiting for a person, but for a familiar tone, a habitual atmosphere. Maybe just a few words can make your heart steady; maybe just a few eyes, but you can feel warm. Know for a long time, always can not help but miss; deep feelings, inevitable involuntary concern. There is no reason for such things as feelings. As long as two hearts understand, it is the warmest companion; as long as two emotions are happy, it is the best emotion.


So I want to make everything clear. In this society, in this era, I want to find out what kind of existence it is. I've been confused, hesitated and panicked, but I still haven't got a clear picture of the world around me.


How I wish there was a door. In the morning, the sun was shining on the grass. We stood, holding our doors and windows. The doors were low, but the sun was bright. Grass is bearing its seeds, the wind is shaking its leaves, we stand, do not speak, it is very beautiful.


When you become more and more beautiful, people will naturally pay attention to you. As you become more and more capable, you will naturally be looked up to. Change yourself, you will have self-confidence, dream will slowly come true. If never met, if not heartbeat, maybe I will not sink day and night in yearning, not to mention that there is such a person in the world, do not know exactly where good, is into the heart, engraved in the bone. My left hand holds the residual temperature that you left behind, and my right hand expresses the beauty of your experience. My memory is full of inexplicable sadness, unconsciously, and falls into your prison again.


一、 心情再差,也不必写在脸上,由于没人喜爱看;日子再穷,也不必挂在嘴上,由于美人无故给你钱;工作再累,也不要抱怨,由于没人无条件替你干,生活再苦,也不必失去信念,由于美好将在明日;品性再坏,也要孝顺父母,由于你也有老的那天。

二、 生活始终不会由于你已经很惨,就对你手下留情。生活也从来不会由于你是女人,而对你手下留情。就算努力了生活也不一定变好,但至少不会更差!

三、 你不努力,你的孩子就需要很努力,你不担负,你的父母就需要替你担负,当你感觉舒服的时候,总会有人替你担负痛楚!活出生命的精彩,你比你想象的更有力量!

四、 人生,与其是不断地去追求而无法满足,那不如先沉淀自己,认清心灵深处真正的需求。只要愿意打开封闭的心,去体会、去拥抱眼前的幸福,就会比别人活得更富足,更开心。

五、 即便遭受了世间最大的不幸,能够解决一切困难的前提是活着。只有活着,才有希望。不管多么的痛楚。多么的悲伤,只要能够努力地活下去,一切都会好起来。

六、 多心的人注定活得辛苦,由于太容易被别人的情绪所左右。有时,与其多心,不如少根筋。