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I thought as long as you, there would be no pain in this world. Only later did I find that you are the suffering of this world, my suffering.


At this age, if there is anything that can make you cry, it must be something that can't be solved by how much you eat, how much you drink and how much you sleep. It's very heartache, very sad and very tired.


Please, don't let me meet anyone who won't work out with me.


I am not a saint, how can I hope you live very well, very happy, I wish you live poor lonely. Every night, thinking of my good.


Do not take the initiative to lose, too active will not cherish, this is the heart.


I've been sewing up this relationship, I sew you tear, I sew you tear, I sew you tear, until I get angry and cut it in pieces, and you say, see, that's your temper.


Waiting is not a virtue, just as goodness cannot replace appearance.


Meet you, destroyed my girl heart, I hate the longing for love and yearning, you let my eyes do not light, you let me feel that love is so.


Once the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, eventually arrived but good gather good spread. I will give you the last deep affection.


There is no need to explain things like disappointment and grievance. The more you explain them, the more chaotic they become.


Between the ages of 七、and 十七、 it is all about expectation, while between the ages of 十七、and 2七、 it is all about sadness and regret.


He just doesn't love you, not busy, not negligent, not ignorant, not tested, not temporarily forgotten, not withdrawn, but just doesn't love you.


Lower your expectations, reduce your dependence, and you'll be fine.


I still have passion left for the person I fell in love with later, but when I fell in love with you, it was the most romantic, the most brave, and the most desperate time in my life. Although at that time, you did not intend to cherish me.


I used to believe in love, and you as love, and then you go, love is gone.


Some people, should forget to forget! The so-called never forget, in their own eyes, is love; In the other person's eyes, is vexed; In the eyes of others, is cheap.


一 、 人生是一场漫长的旅途。不论过去的你是什么样,最重要的都是今天你是谁,以及明天你会成为谁。把辉煌和挫折都留给过去,今天起,定下一个小目标,轻装上路,勇敢地迎接风霜雨雪,在磨练中不断成长,最美的风景终将在前方等你。

二 、 生命是轮回,苦难也是轮回。学会让自己安静,把思维沉浸下来,用一颗善良之心去款待每一份情意,用一颗宽容之心去恩待每一位朋友。用一颗理解之心去诚待世人,用一颗仁爱之心去善待亲人!

三 、 宽容别人,其实是给自己的心灵让路。只有在宽容的世界里,人,才能奏出和谐的生命之歌。要想没有偏见,就要创造一个宽容的社会。要想根除偏见,就要首先根除狭隘的思想。

四 、 我们的生活就像是背着一个竹篓在旅行,所有的经历都是我们往竹篓里添加的石子,只有自己学会取舍和放下,才能继续负重前行!

五 、 如果你曾经错过了昨天,那么请不要再错过今天。过去的事,交给岁月去处理;将来的事,留给时间去证明。我们真正要做的,就是牢牢地抓住今天,让今天的自己胜过昨天的自己,让今天的自己塑造明天的自己。集中精力看好眼前的路,才不会跌跤,才不会走岔道。给自己一个机会,重新开始。

六 、 每当痛苦的时候,就请停下脚步,抚平心中的伤口,擦干眼泪再上路;每当放弃的时候,就请停下脚步,作出艰难的取舍,打起精神再上路。有时我们停下脚步,只为走得更远。流年似水,岁月如歌,只剩下一些凋零的记忆,随风飘落成一地的斑驳,往昔繁华,以转变成一生落寞。