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一、我一生健忘,唯有你,难忘。My life forgetful, only you, unforgettable.

二、生命里总有那么个人,惊艳了时光,让你念念不忘;哭红了眼眶,却还笑着原谅。There is always such a person in life, amazing time, let you never forget; Cry red eyes, but also smile to forgive.

三、陪你走完了这一段路,我也变成你路过的路,从此人山人海,不再归来。Accompany you to go through this section of the road, I also become you pass the road, from now on the sea of people, no longer return.

四、时间很无情,它会把你欠下的对不起,变得还不起。又会把很多对不起,变成来不及。Time is very ruthless, it will put you owe sorry, become not afford. Will put a lot of sorry, into too late.

五、一句顺其自然,里面包含了我多少绝望和不甘心,如果你懂。A let nature take its course, contains how much I despair and unwilling, if you know.

六、每次听到你的消息,我都假装毫不在意,悄悄地把它变成秘密,春夏秋冬,从此再也没有你。Every time I hear your news, I pretend not to care, quietly turn it into a secret, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and never have you again.

七、我对你仍有爱意,我对自己无能为力,我很喜欢你,可是好像只能到这里。I still love you, I can't help myself, I like you very much, but it seems that only here.

八、别傻了,一个人的努力,永远也没办法决定两个人的关系。不是你的枕边人,也做不成你的心头爱。Don't be silly. A person's efforts can never determine the relationship between two people. Is not your pillow, also can not do your heart love.

九、经过了那么多年,我还是输给了你,一败涂地。After so many years, I still lost to you, a total failure.

十、如果只是友情的话,能好好做朋友就好好做朋友吧,不要太贪心了。爱情这种事太极端,要么一生,要么陌生。If it is just friendship, can be a good friend to be a good friend, don't be too greedy. Love this kind of thing is too extreme, or life, or strange.

十一、相见的时候我们红了脸,离别的时候我们红了眼。Meet when we red face, parting when we red eyes.

十二、你是我患得患失的梦,我是你可有可无的人。毕竟这穿越山河的箭,刺的都是用情至极的人。You are my be swayed by considerations of gain and loss dream, I am your dispensable person. After all, the arrow across the mountains and rivers, stabbed are extremely passionate people.

十三、后来我终于学会了怎么去爱,而你却早已远去消失在人海。Then I finally learned how to love, and you have long gone to disappear in the crowd.

十四、我们都这样离散在岁月的风里,回过头去,却看不到曾经在一起的痕迹,尽管,曾今那么用力的在一起过。We are so discrete in the years of the wind, looking back, but can not see once together, although, so hard together.

十五、那些奋不顾身去爱的人,到了最后都成了别人的爱人。Those who love regardless of personal danger, to finally become someone else's lover.

十六、我终于熬过那段看谁都像你,干什么都能想起你,听的歌都是关于你的日子,很庆幸,我终于可以不问归期,不用联系。I finally through that look who like you, what can think of you, listen to the song is about your day, it is lucky, I finally can not ask the date of return, do not need to contact.

十七、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。Those who said never separated before, already scattered in the horizon.

十八、有些伤口,无论过多久,依然一碰就痛;有些人,不管过多久,也还是一想起就疼。Some wounds, no matter how long, still a touch on pain; Some people, no matter how long, or think of pain.

十九、有时候,我们就像仙人掌,防备了别人,孤单了自己。Sometimes, we like cactus, against others, alone.

二十、抽烟的人永远闻不到自己身上的烟味,就像被爱的人永远不知道,爱你的人有多辛苦。Smoking people will never smell their own smoke, just like the loved ones never know, love you how hard the people.






